GreenWaste Florin Perkins Resource Recovery Facility

Sacramento’s only RCI-certified C&D recovery facility.

Florin Perkins Aerial

What We Recycle




Concrete and Asphalt




Mixed C&D Debris

Roofing (Shingles and Composite)





Materials Not Accepted

View Prices in Recycling Fees Tab Below





Concrete and Asphalt




Mixed C&D Debris

Roofing (Shingles and Composite)





Materials Not Accepted

View Prices in Recycling Fees Tab Below

Includes microwaves, dishwashers, air conditioning, ovens, fans, stoves, and other household appliances.

Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

Household refrigerators and air conditioners are accepted.


Includes brush, tree trimmings, branches, tree rounds, tree chips, brush, leaves, and yard trimmings. Tree rounds and trees must be less than 4’ and have a diameter of no more than 2’.

Brush/Trees – Oversized

brush, tree trimmings, branches, tree rounds, tree chips, brush, leaves, and yard trimmings larger than 2′ in diameter.


Our easy-to-use program is designed for the flooring industry professional, but we also accept residential carpeting and pad. Regardless of who you are, we have a solution that fits your needs.

Concrete 1

Includes clean concrete from building pads, driveways, road construction, etc. May include native stone and asphalt, with minimal flush-cut wire or rebar. No dirt, base rock, brick, roofing tiles, wood, or trash. Concrete over 2’x2’x2’ will be charged as oversized.

Concrete 2

Includes concrete and asphalt containing some wire or rebar and a small amount of dirt or base rock. No brick, roofing tiles, wood, or trash. Concrete over 2’x2’x2’ will be charged as oversized.

Concrete 3

Includes brick, adobe block, asphalt with petromat, roofing tiles, clay tile roofing, or other inert style of roofing. Loads that contain excessive amounts of dirt or baserock will be charged as dirt or concrete. Concrete over 2’x2’x2’ will be charged as oversized.

Concrete Large/Structural

Concrete over 2’x2’x2’

In order to qualify for disposal of concrete, the following requirements must be met:

  • Concrete & Asphalt is recycled at 99% and customers will be issued a weight tag for their diversion reporting.
  • All pieces must be smaller than 2′ X 2′ X 6″ thick in size. Anything larger will be subject to disposal charges.
  • All loads must be clean and free of debris. Any contamination that exceeds 2% of the load will be subject to disposal charges.
    • No brick
    • No dirt
    • No clay
    • No mud
    • No wood
    • No pipe
    • No trash
    • No leaves or roots
    • No petromat, geotextile, paving fabric
  • Minimal rebar is allowed and no longer than 4″ past the edge of the rubble. Anything in excess will be subject to additional disposal charges.

All loads that are mixed or do not meet the above requirements will be subject to additional disposal charges. We do accept concrete & dirt mixed, concrete & brick mixed, or any mixture thereof for an additional fee.

TVs, Monitors, CRTs

E-waste such as TVs, monitors, CRTs (cathode ray tubes) are accepted.

Flat Screens and Laptops

E-waste including flat screens and laptops are accepted.

Sofas and Couches

Sofas and couches made of any material are accepted.

California Residents can dispose of up to four mattresses, futons, or box springs for free.

Products that are not eligible for free drop-off include:

  • Items that are wet, heavily soiled, or infested with bedbugs
  • Air mattresses that contain no upholstery material (such as camping beds)
  • Car beds
  • Cushions (such as from chairs, couches, or patio furniture)
  • Juvenile products (such as carriages, baskets, dressing tables, strollers, playpens, infant carriers, lounge pad, or crib bumpers)
  • Mattress pads
  • Mattress toppers
  • Pillows
  • Sleeping bags
  • Sofa beds and futons
  • Collapsible roll-away beds
  • Water beds that contain no upholstery material
  • Futon frames and bases, as well as futon mattresses that do not detach from the frame or base
Demolition Debris

These are materials that contain over 75% recyclable items. These types of loads come from construction sites, but may contain some demolition debris, and are usually hand-loaded. These loads are tipped at one of our sorting operations. Recyclable items in these loads may include lumber, drywall, concrete, brick, tile, granite, rigid plastics, OCC, paper, metals, brush and trees, rock, asphalt, windows, appliances, and toilets.

Construction Debris

These are materials that contain over 75% recyclable items such as lumber, sheetrock, concrete, brick, tile, granite, rigid plastics, OCC, paper, metals, brush and trees, rock, asphalt, windows, appliances, and toilets.

Wood Shingles With Paper

Source-separated wood shingles that include tarpaper.

Composite Roofing

Source separated residential roofing shingles do not include tar and gravel roofing or commercial roofing tear-offs. If wood, metals, or bags are commingled in the load, the load will be considered composite asphalt roofing-mixed.


Drywall and sheetrock used for interior walls and ceiling.

Tires – Car

Regular car tires are accepted.

Tires – Truck

Truck tires are accepted.

Tires – Large

Large tires (ex. tractor tires) are accepted. Includes heavy machinery tires.

Wood – Clean

Wood and lumber waste includes source separated lumber, pallets, fencing, plywood, and lumber used for cement forms. Small amounts of metal affixed to the lumber, such as nails or hinges, are acceptable. No painted or treated wood waste accepted.

Wood – Mixed

Primarily wood and lumber, as classified as above, with some nominal contamination, such as plastics, painted lumber, and metals. Large amounts of contamination will designate the load as trash. Minimal paint accepted, no treated wood waste accepted.

Trash/Debris (Recyclable)

These are materials that should go directly into the outgoing trash pile.

Non-recyclable items (trash) may include pressure-treated wood, laminated wood, painted wood, sawdust, insulation, PVC pipes, film plastics and other packing materials, asphalt roofing, roofing felt, roofing insulation, fiberglass insulation, vinyl flooring, ceiling tiles, stucco, soil, asphalt, windows, doors, carpeting, carpet padding, furniture, cabinets, sinks, styrofoam, crushed materials, mattresses, rubber tiles, ground rubber materials, textiles and linen, couches, chairs, desks, office partitions, signs, foam board, cabinets, and wet materials, Visqueen, composite type materials, palm/ivy/fibrous material, and materials must be contained in trash bags.


Acetylene sludge, acid wastes, AFU floc, alkaline corrosive liquids, alum sludge, ashes*, asphalt, liquid or emulsion form


Bag house waste*, batteries, battery add, beryllium waste, bilge water, boiler cleaner waste, buffing dust, bunker oil


Catalyst*, caustic sludge, caustic waste, cement kiln dust*, cement liquid*, chemical cleaners*, chemical toilet cleaners*, chemical wastes, cleaner alkaline, cleaning compounds*, cleaning solvents, coking process wastes, contaminated soil or sand*, corrosion inhibitor, creosote-treated items, cyanide solutions or waste

 D, E, F

Data processing fluid, distillation bottoms & light ends, drilling fluids and mud*, drugs, dyes*, emission control wastes*, epoxy waste*, explosives, all forms, extremely hazardous waste, finishing waste, flammable materials & waste, flue gas emission control waste, fly ash, fuel waste

 G, H, I, L

Glaze sludge, hazardous waste, heavy ends waste, household hazardous waste**, ink printing and sludge waste, insecticides, laboratory wastes*, lagoon waste, lime and water, lime sludge, and waste water

 M, O

Metal waste, mine tailings, muriatic acid, oil ash, orris root products

 P, R

Paint remover or stripper, paint thinner, paint waste or slops, petroleum refining wastes, pesticide waste, pesticide containers, unrinsed, pharmaceuticals, pickling waste, pigments*, plating waste, polychlorinated biphenyls (“CE), printing ink*,  produced water, radioactive wastes, railroad ties, resin manufacturing waste*

 S, T, W

Sandblasting residue*, scrubber sludge, slag waste, slop oil, sludge acid, soda ash, solvents, still bottoms waste, stripping solution, sulfur sludges, sump waste, tank bottom sediment*, tank cleaning sludges*, tanning sludges, toxic materials and waste, waste water treatment sludges, weed killer, wood preservation waste


Yard waste, wet garbage, or food waste will be not be accepted

*Only if it contains a hazardous material

**Contact Sacramento Household Hazardous Waste at 916-875-5555.

Diversion Rates

Recycling Fees

Forms & Permits

LEED Credits

About Us

Hours and Contact

Diversion Rate
(with ADC)*
Diversion Rate
(without ADC)*




The GreenWaste Florin Perkins Resource Recovery Facility has its diversion rates third-party certificated by the independent Recycling Certification Institute (RCI).

Diversion rates are based on the total tons of incoming materials vs. the total tons of waste landfilled. A separate calculation shows the recycling rate, less alternative daily cover (ADC).

Diversion Rate (with ADC)**
Mixed C&D Debris
    Construction and demolition debris

Rates as of Dec. 2024

*Certified by RCI.
**Certified by the County of Sacramento.

Rate structure effective September 1, 2023

Prices subject to change, contact our office for current prices. There is a $60.00 minimum charge on all items per vehicle. Measurement of load is by volume with no allowance for air space. No environmental fees.

US Green Building Council (USGBC) – LEED

US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), offers construction and demolition waste management credits for diversion of materials.

When a project achieves a 50% diversion rate that includes the diversion of two waste streams, one point is earned. When the project reaches a 75% diversion rate, that includes the diversion of three waste streams, a second point is earned. Examples of both from LEED v4.1 are listed below.

LEED Paths/Points Using a Certified Facility 

  • Path 2: Divert 50% using a certified commingled recycling facility
    Divert at least 50% of the total construction and demolition material. All commingled recycling is sent to an offsite sorting facility(ies) certified by the Recycling Certification Institute or approved equivalent.
  • Path 4: Divert 75% using certified commingled recycling facility and one more material stream.
    Divert at least 75% of the total construction and demolition material. Diverted materials must include at least two material streams. All commingled recycling is required to be one of the streams. It is sent to an offsite sorting facility(ies) certified by the Recycling Certification Institute or approved equivalent.

For more information regarding LEED Rating System v4.1 click here.

The GreenWaste Florin Perkins Resource Recovery Facility specializes in C&D recycling, but also accepts many other materials from residential and commercial customers. This is the only third-party certified transfer facility in the Sacramento area—certified by both the Recycling Certification Institute and locally certified by Sacramento County. We divert over 75% of all construction and demolition debris. We exceed all local recycling requirements as well as CalGreen requirements for most building permits.


We offer:

  • Construction and demolition debris disposal: drop off construction and demolition and landscape debris for recycling. See the “What We Recycle” tab to learn more.
  • Residential services: drop off large household items, such as couches, carpeting, and refrigerators for recycling.
  • Landscape materials: pick-up or delivery of landscape materials. Shop items made locally from recycled debris including OMRI-listed compost and SB 1383 procurement eligible material.
  • Debris boxes: residential and commercial debris boxes and hauling services.


Mon. – Fri.: 6 AM – 4:45 PM
Sat. – Sun.: 8 AM – 3:45 PM

Holiday Hours:
Christmas Eve & Day: Closed
Day after Thanksgiving: 8 AM – 2 PM
Day after Christmas:

  • GreenWaste Florin Perkins Resource Recovery Facility: 8 AM – 4:45 PM
  • GreenWaste Florin Perkins Landscape Materials: 8 AM – 4 PM
  • GreenWaste of Sacramento: 8 AM – 4 PM

New Years Eve & Day: Closed




GreenWaste Florin Perkins Resource Recovery Facility
4201 Florin Perkins Road
Sacramento, CA 95826

Contact Us

Reach out to one of our local teams for support with your questions.

Contact Us