
Explore Our Services

Construction, Demolition, and Bulky Item Recycling

GreenWaste has a network of state-of-the-art resource recovery facilities that specialize in the recycling of construction, demolition, and bulky items. Make the smart move and divert more than 75% of your waste for recycling at one of our third-party certified facilities.

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Debris Box and Dumpster Rentals

Whether it’s a garage cleanout, home improvement project, or construction site, GreenWaste has a debris box or dumpster for you. Material put in a GreenWaste debris box is processed at one of our industry-leading resource recovery facilities. Order online or by phone today.

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Carpet Recycling

GreenWaste collects, analyzes, sorts, and processes post-consumer carpeting and foam carpet padding, commercial broadloom carpet, and carpet tiles. As a proud member of the Carpet America Recovery Effort (C.A.R.E.), each of our facilities meet or exceed the requirements to be a C.A.R.E. Certified Collector.

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Curbside Collection

Whether you live in a community with 5,000 people or a city with 5 million, GreenWaste provides custom-tailored, high-quality, reliable, and sustainable organics, recyclables, and trash collection to each of the communities we serve.

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MRF Recycling

GreenWaste is the West Coast’s premier solid waste and recyclables processor. Our MRF is California’s first certified high diversion organic waste processing facility. It incorporates three distinct processing systems to separate materials and help communities meet or exceed California diversion requirements.

GreenWaste San Jose Material Recovery Facility

Landscape and Construction Products

Discover the 90+ recycled-content construction and landscape products GreenWaste creates and sells locally. From compost and mulch for your yard, to base rock for your jobsite, we’ve got what you need.

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The GreenWaste Z-Best Composting Facility is the largest certified organic composting operation in California and the largest MSW composting operation in the United States. At 235,000 TPY and 225,000 TPY, respectively, it was one of the first to receive an OMRI certification for a compost blend derived from mixed waste.

GreenWaste Z-Best Composting Facility

Anaerobic Digestion

GreenWaste’s Renewable Energy Digestion Facility in San Jose is the first large-scale commercial dry fermentation anaerobic digestion facility in the United States. It transforms organic waste into renewable energy and feedstock for composting.

GreenWaste Renewable Energy Digestion Facility

GreenWaste Products

Discover the 90+ recycled-content construction and landscape products GreenWaste creates and sells locally. From compost and mulch for your yard, to base rock for your jobsite, we’ve got what you need.

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