Santa Clara County – District South

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Holiday Collection Schedule

If your collection day falls on or after New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, your collection will be delayed one day.

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Our Latest Residential Newsletter

Read for proper sorting tips, collection reminders, and more about your GreenWaste service.

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What Goes Where Guide

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Residential Services

Single-family residents in Santa Clara County – District South receive weekly curbside collection service of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. All materials must be ready for collection no later than 6:00AM on your normal collection day.

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Residents may choose subscription volumes of 20-, 32-, or 64-gallons for weekly collection in gray carts provided by GreenWaste.

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Residents are provided one (1) blue 64-gallon cart for recyclable material collection as part of standard service. Residents may request a 96-gallon container and/or additional containers.

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Residents are provided one (1) green 96-gallon cart for organics collection at no additional charge.

Commercial Services

Businesses in Santa Clara County – District South are offered weekly collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6:00AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.



Businesses in Santa Clara County – District South are offered weekly collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6:00AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.



Recyclable materials will only be collected in blue containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 96-gallon carts, or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8-yard bins.

65gl green cart


Organics will only be collected in 64-gallon green containers provided by GreenWaste.

Extra Services

Billing and Rates

What Goes Where and More

Regulatory Requirements


Yard Waste Voucher: Each residential customer will receive two (2) Yard Waste vouchers annually to deliver clean yard waste to Z-Best Composting Facility in Gilroy, free of charge. See annual vouchers for additional details and restrictions.


Disposal Vouchers: Each residential customer will receive two (2) Disposal vouchers annually to deliver garbage and other non-organic/non-recyclable debris at the Kirby Canyon landfill, free of charge. See annual vouchers for additional details and restrictions.


Curbside Clean Up: Up to two (2) Curbside clean-ups may be scheduled per calendar year on an on-call basis. Waste is limited to normal household debris and additional restrictions apply. Contact customer service to schedule at least 48 hours in advance of normal collection day.


Bulky Item Collection: Furniture, appliances, and other large items may be picked up at your curb for a small fee per item. Contact customer service to schedule.


Holiday Tree Collection: Undecorated holiday trees can be picked up curbside between December 26th and January 31st. Please remove the stand, cut the tree to approximately 4-foot lengths, and place the sections next to the organics container on your regular service day.


Used Motor Oil and Motor Oil Filters: Contact customer service to obtain a free GreenWaste oil jug and filter bag. Place the filled oil jugs and filter bags next to your carts for collection. No more than two (2) 1-gallon filled containers will be collected per service.


Household Batteries: Please place your household batteries in a clear ziplock-type plastic bag and place on top of the recyclables cart. Please contact customer service prior to your collection day to notify the driver.


Santa Clara County – District South residents are on a bi-monthly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your bills in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Santa Clara County – District South commercial customers are on a monthly billing cycle. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact customer service.


What Goes Where & More

Program and Sorting Guidance


Program and Sorting Guidance






Mandatory Multi-Family Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing 4 cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing 2 cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to food waste collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 1826.


Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Santa Clara County – District South businesses, GreenWaste provides a source separated organics stream (green Container). Food scraps and food soiled paper are composted from the green Container at Z-best Composting.


Businesses are required to provide properly labeled and/or color-coded containers in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms. Annually, businesses must educate employees, contractors, customers, and tenants on how to properly sort organic waste, and all of these users are required to properly sort these materials into the correct containers.


If you feel your site does not generate organic waste and would like to apply for a waiver through the County of Santa Clara, please click here.

Extra Services


Yard Waste Voucher: Each residential customer will receive two (2) Yard Waste vouchers annually to deliver clean yard waste to Z-Best Composting Facility in Gilroy, free of charge. See annual vouchers for additional details and restrictions.


Disposal Vouchers: Each residential customer will receive two (2) Disposal vouchers annually to deliver garbage and other non-organic/non-recyclable debris at the Kirby Canyon landfill, free of charge. See annual vouchers for additional details and restrictions.


Curbside Clean Up: Up to two (2) Curbside clean-ups may be scheduled per calendar year on an on-call basis. Waste is limited to normal household debris and additional restrictions apply. Contact customer service to schedule at least 48 hours in advance of normal collection day.


Bulky Item Collection: Furniture, appliances, and other large items may be picked up at your curb for a small fee per item. Contact customer service to schedule.


Holiday Tree Collection: Undecorated holiday trees can be picked up curbside between December 26th and January 31st. Please remove the stand, cut the tree to approximately 4-foot lengths, and place the sections next to the organics container on your regular service day.


Used Motor Oil and Motor Oil Filters: Contact customer service to obtain a free GreenWaste oil jug and filter bag. Place the filled oil jugs and filter bags next to your carts for collection. No more than two (2) 1-gallon filled containers will be collected per service.


Household Batteries: Please place your household batteries in a clear ziplock-type plastic bag and place on top of the recyclables cart. Please contact customer service prior to your collection day to notify the driver.

Billing and Rates


Santa Clara County – District South residents are on a bi-monthly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your bills in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Santa Clara County – District South commercial customers are on a monthly billing cycle. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact customer service.

What Goes Where and More


What Goes Where & More

Program and Sorting Guidance


Program and Sorting Guidance





Regulatory Requirements


Mandatory Multi-Family Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing 4 cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing 2 cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to food waste collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 1826.


Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Santa Clara County – District South businesses, GreenWaste provides a source separated organics stream (green Container). Food scraps and food soiled paper are composted from the green Container at Z-best Composting.


Businesses are required to provide properly labeled and/or color-coded containers in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms. Annually, businesses must educate employees, contractors, customers, and tenants on how to properly sort organic waste, and all of these users are required to properly sort these materials into the correct containers.


If you feel your site does not generate organic waste and would like to apply for a waiver through the County of Santa Clara, please click here.

Processing & Disposal Summary

GreenWaste delivers recyclables and organics to the GreenWaste San Jose Material Recovery Facility for processing, where it is processed for further recycling and composting. Garbage is delivered to ReGen Monterey for disposal.



Garbage is delivered to the Regen Monterey for disposal.

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Recyclable materials are delivered to the Watsonville Transfer Facility, consolidated, and transported to the GreenWaste MRF in San Jose for processing.

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Organics are delivered to the GreenWaste Z-Best Composting Facility.

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