Woodside County

See Service Day

Icon=Holiday Collection Schedule

Upcoming Events

None at this time.

Icon=Service Request

Holiday Collection Schedule

If your collection day falls on or after New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, your collection will be delayed one day.



Residential Services

Single-family residents in Unincorporated Woodside receive weekly collection service of garbage and recyclable materials. All materials must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM on your normal collection day. Contents cannot exceed the weight limits listed on the cart or 150 lbs. (whichever is less).

65gl gray cart

Mixed Compostables

Residents may set out personal containers for garbage service and pay based on the volume.

65gl blue cart


Residents may set out up to one personal container for recyclable materials service for no additional charge.

Commercial Services

Businesses in Unincorporated Woodside are offered weekly collection service of Garbage and Recyclable Materials. Service is provided up to six days per week on a Monday through Saturday schedule. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.


Mixed Compostables

Businesses in Unincorporated Woodside are offered weekly collection service of garbage and recyclable materials. Service is provided up to six days per week on a Monday through Saturday schedule. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.



Businesses can select from cart or bin service for recycling at no additional charge with garbage collection. Comingle all recyclables into either your recycling cart or bin.

Billing and Rates

What Goes Where

Regulatory Requirements


Woodside County residents are on a quarterly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your GreenWaste invoice in February, May, August, and November. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact Customer Service.


Sorting Guidance


Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing four cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing two cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Since GreenWaste processes the mixed compostables, all businesses are automatically compliant with this regulation.


Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Unincorporated Woodside businesses, GreenWaste provides both a mixed organics stream (gray cart) and a source separated organics stream (green cart). Food scraps, food soiled paper, and other organics are recovered from the gray cart at the GreenWaste MRF, which serves as a high diversion organic waste processing facility. Businesses are required to provide properly labeled and/or color-coded containers in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms. Annually, businesses must educate employees, contractors, customers, and tenants on how to properly sort organic waste, and all of these users are required to properly sort these materials into the correct containers. Starting in 2022, some food service businesses must donate edible food to food recovery organizations, with others starting in 2024. GreenWaste will be working with Woodside County to raise awareness and provide resources regarding food recovery.

Billing and Rates


Woodside County residents are on a quarterly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your GreenWaste invoice in February, May, August, and November. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact Customer Service.

What Goes Where


Sorting Guidance

Regulatory Requirements


Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing four cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing two cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Since GreenWaste processes the mixed compostables, all businesses are automatically compliant with this regulation.


Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Unincorporated Woodside businesses, GreenWaste provides both a mixed organics stream (gray cart) and a source separated organics stream (green cart). Food scraps, food soiled paper, and other organics are recovered from the gray cart at the GreenWaste MRF, which serves as a high diversion organic waste processing facility. Businesses are required to provide properly labeled and/or color-coded containers in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms. Annually, businesses must educate employees, contractors, customers, and tenants on how to properly sort organic waste, and all of these users are required to properly sort these materials into the correct containers. Starting in 2022, some food service businesses must donate edible food to food recovery organizations, with others starting in 2024. GreenWaste will be working with Woodside County to raise awareness and provide resources regarding food recovery.

Material Processing

All material collected by GreenWaste is brought to the GreenWaste San Jose Material Recovery Facility for processing.


Mixed Compostables

Mixed compostables are processed and organic material is diverted for composting directly from the black cart.

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NRT optical sorter_fullview


Recyclables are sorted into their commodity type and then reintroduced into the supply chain.

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Reach out to one of our local teams for support with your questions.

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