Sand City

Colorful Sand Dunes on Monterey Bay Beach California
Icon=Holiday Collection Schedule

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None at this time.

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Holiday Collection Schedule

If your collection day falls on or after New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, your collection will be delayed one day.


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What Goes Where

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Residential Services

Single-family residents in Sand City receive weekly curbside collection service of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. All materials must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM on your normal collection day.

65gl gray cart


Residents may choose subscription volumes of 32-, 65-, or 95-gallons for weekly collection in gray carts provided by GreenWaste.

65gl blue cart


Residents are provided one blue 64-gallon cart for recyclable material collection at no additional charge. A larger 96-gallon recyclable material cart is available by request.

65gl green cart


Residents are provided one green 96-gallon cart for organics collection at no additional charge. A smaller 64-gallon organics cart is available by request.

Multi-Family Services

Residents of multi-family complexes in Sand City receive weekly collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed and must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM. Property managers pay for collection services and manage all requests.

65gl gray cart


Garbage will only be collected in gray containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 65- or 95-gallon carts or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8- yard bins.

65gl blue cart


Recyclable materials will only be collected in blue containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 65- or 95-gallon carts or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8- yard bins.



Your multi-family complex may participate in a clean organics collection program. Please contact your property manager if you’d like to establish a new organics program.

Commercial Services

Businesses in Sand City are offered weekly collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organics. Service is provided up to six days per week on a Monday through Saturday schedule. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 4:00AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.



Garbage will only be collected in gray containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 32-, 65-, or 95-gallon carts, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8– yard bins or 10-, 20-, 30-, or 40-yard boxes.



Recyclable materials will only be collected in blue containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes 65- or 95-gallon carts, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- 6, or 8- yard bins or 10-, 20-, 30-, or 40-yard boxes.



Organics will only be collected in green containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 65- or 95-gallon carts, 1- or 2-yard bins, or 20-yard boxes.

Extra Services

Billing and Rates

What Goes Where and More

Regulatory Requirements



Physical Limitations Program: Customers that are disabled as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act are eligible to receive collection services at a location other than curbside for no additional charge. To request collection at an alternate location, please download the Physical Limitations Program Application and submit your completed application, including a current physician’s statement.

Overages Program: Residents receive 10 “Extra Garbage” stickers and 10 “Extra Yard Trimmings” stickers at the beginning of each calendar year. Additional stickers can be purchased by contacting customer service. Extra material placed out for collection without stickers will be collected and an additional charge will apply. There is no charge for extra recyclable materials. Extra materials must be set out in accordance with the following:

  • Garbage: Place in black or gray 32-gallon plastic bags next to your garbage cart.
  • Yard Trimmings: Place in cans or tied in secured bundles (no larger than 3’ x 3’) next to your yard trimmings cart(s).
  • Recyclable Material: Place in clear plastic bags and cardboard in tied and secured bundles (no larger than 3’ x 3’) next to your recyclable materials cart(s).

Bulky Item Reuse Program: Residents may request up to three bulky item reuse collections each year at no additional charge. Each collection may include up to two cubic yards of reusable materials, five e-Waste items, and two appliances or bulky items. Appliances containing freon count as two bulky items. Additional eligible items collection and/or collection events may be collected/scheduled for an additional charge. Contact customer service to schedule.

Household Batteries: Residents may place household batteries in a clear ziplock-type bag and set the bag on top of the recyclable materials cart. Acceptable batteries include AA, AAA, C, D, 6-volt, 9-volt, camera batteries, nickel cadmium, and lithium ion. Please tape the top of 9-volt rectangular batteries and 6-volt square-base batteries. Button-cell coin-shaped batteries are NOT accepted.

Car Batteries: Residents may schedule collection of up to one car battery per week, on the normal collection day, at no additional charge. Contact Customer Service to schedule.

Used Oils: Residents may request Used Oil Recovery Kits and collection of used motor oils, motor oil filters, and cooking oils at no additional charge, not to exceed one pick-up per week. Contact Customer Service to request a Used Oil Recovery Kit.

Water-Based Paints: Residents may schedule collection of up to one gallon of water-based paint per week at no additional charge. Water-based paint must be in the original paint can, tightly sealed and placed next to the recyclable materials cart on the normal collection day. Contact customer service to schedule.

Holiday Tree Collection: During the first three collection weeks of each year, customers may place un-flocked and undecorated holiday trees curbside for collection on the normal collection day. Trees must be cut into sections no larger than 6’ and placed next to the yard trimmings cart.



Overages Program: Customers are charged for extra garbage and recyclable materials collected. Prior to setting out extra garbage or recyclable materials, you must make payment arrangements or get advance approval from your property manager. To schedule collection of extra garbage or recyclable materials and make payment arrangements, please contact customer service.

Bulky Item Reuse Program: Your complex may be eligible to participate in a complex-wide bulky item reuse collection. Please contact your property manager for additional information. GreenWaste can collect individual bulky items for an additional charge. To schedule a bulky item collection and make payment arrangements, please contact customer service.

Household Batteries: CART CUSTOMERS ONLY – Residents with cart service may place household batteries in a clear ziplock-type bag and set the bag on top (not inside) of the recyclable materials cart. Acceptable batteries include AA, AAA, C, D, 6-volt, 9-volt, camera batteries, nickel cadmium, and lithium ion. Please tape the top of 9-volt rectangular batteries and 6 volt square-base batteries. Button-cell coin-shaped batteries are NOT accepted.


**BIN CUSTOMERS – Batteries may NOT be placed out for curbside collection.**



Compactor Service: GreenWaste offers collection services for compactors and can provide maintenance service for an additional fee. GreenWaste does not provide compactors to customers, but will provide specifications needed to ensure compatibility with collection vehicles as well as information on companies that sell, lease, and/or service compactors. GreenWaste offers collection services for stationary compactors ranging in size from 10- cubic yards to 40- cubic yards.

Overages Program: GreenWaste will collect and charge customers for containers that are overfilled and/or when material is placed out for collection beyond the capacity of the container. Customers will be charged accordingly for the extra material. To ensure accuracy of billing, please contact customer service to schedule the collection of extra material.

Bulky Item Reuse Program: GreenWaste offers businesses bulky-item collection for an additional charge. Bulky items are items that won’t fit inside containers or require special handling. Contact customer service to schedule.

Special Pick Ups: Collection services are available on days other than regularly scheduled collection day(s) for an additional charge. Contact customer service to schedule.

Extra Container Services: GreenWaste can provide additional services as reasonably necessary to access and empty containers for an additional charge. Additional services may include opening and closing gates, pushing and/or pulling containers to the point of collection, and locking and/or unlocking containers.


Sand City residential customers are on a quarterly billing cycle. Sand City multi-family and commercial customers are on a monthly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your GreenWaste invoice in January, April, July, and October. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact customer service.


What Goes Where & More

Program and Sorting Guidance

Program and Sorting Guidance


Program and Sorting Guidance






Bin Labels


Bin Labels

Bin Labels






Mandatory Service: The Sand City municipal code requires all businesses to subscribe to weekly garbage collection services. The State of California requires businesses to subscribe to recycling and organics collection services.


Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing four cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing two cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to food waste collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 1826.


Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program: Put your waste reduction efforts to good use with the Monterey County Green Business Program—an opportunity to implement green practices, receive onsite technical assistance, join the green business community, and receive recognition from your local municipality. By creating an advanced waste reduction and recycling program you are on your way to being certified “green”. Businesses must be in compliance with all regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution, and minimizing waste.

Extra Services



Physical Limitations Program: Customers that are disabled as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act are eligible to receive collection services at a location other than curbside for no additional charge. To request collection at an alternate location, please download the Physical Limitations Program Application and submit your completed application, including a current physician’s statement.

Overages Program: Residents receive 10 “Extra Garbage” stickers and 10 “Extra Yard Trimmings” stickers at the beginning of each calendar year. Additional stickers can be purchased by contacting customer service. Extra material placed out for collection without stickers will be collected and an additional charge will apply. There is no charge for extra recyclable materials. Extra materials must be set out in accordance with the following:

  • Garbage: Place in black or gray 32-gallon plastic bags next to your garbage cart.
  • Yard Trimmings: Place in cans or tied in secured bundles (no larger than 3’ x 3’) next to your yard trimmings cart(s).
  • Recyclable Material: Place in clear plastic bags and cardboard in tied and secured bundles (no larger than 3’ x 3’) next to your recyclable materials cart(s).

Bulky Item Reuse Program: Residents may request up to three bulky item reuse collections each year at no additional charge. Each collection may include up to two cubic yards of reusable materials, five e-Waste items, and two appliances or bulky items. Appliances containing freon count as two bulky items. Additional eligible items collection and/or collection events may be collected/scheduled for an additional charge. Contact customer service to schedule.

Household Batteries: Residents may place household batteries in a clear ziplock-type bag and set the bag on top of the recyclable materials cart. Acceptable batteries include AA, AAA, C, D, 6-volt, 9-volt, camera batteries, nickel cadmium, and lithium ion. Please tape the top of 9-volt rectangular batteries and 6-volt square-base batteries. Button-cell coin-shaped batteries are NOT accepted.

Car Batteries: Residents may schedule collection of up to one car battery per week, on the normal collection day, at no additional charge. Contact Customer Service to schedule.

Used Oils: Residents may request Used Oil Recovery Kits and collection of used motor oils, motor oil filters, and cooking oils at no additional charge, not to exceed one pick-up per week. Contact Customer Service to request a Used Oil Recovery Kit.

Water-Based Paints: Residents may schedule collection of up to one gallon of water-based paint per week at no additional charge. Water-based paint must be in the original paint can, tightly sealed and placed next to the recyclable materials cart on the normal collection day. Contact customer service to schedule.

Holiday Tree Collection: During the first three collection weeks of each year, customers may place un-flocked and undecorated holiday trees curbside for collection on the normal collection day. Trees must be cut into sections no larger than 6’ and placed next to the yard trimmings cart.



Overages Program: Customers are charged for extra garbage and recyclable materials collected. Prior to setting out extra garbage or recyclable materials, you must make payment arrangements or get advance approval from your property manager. To schedule collection of extra garbage or recyclable materials and make payment arrangements, please contact customer service.

Bulky Item Reuse Program: Your complex may be eligible to participate in a complex-wide bulky item reuse collection. Please contact your property manager for additional information. GreenWaste can collect individual bulky items for an additional charge. To schedule a bulky item collection and make payment arrangements, please contact customer service.

Household Batteries: CART CUSTOMERS ONLY – Residents with cart service may place household batteries in a clear ziplock-type bag and set the bag on top (not inside) of the recyclable materials cart. Acceptable batteries include AA, AAA, C, D, 6-volt, 9-volt, camera batteries, nickel cadmium, and lithium ion. Please tape the top of 9-volt rectangular batteries and 6 volt square-base batteries. Button-cell coin-shaped batteries are NOT accepted.


**BIN CUSTOMERS – Batteries may NOT be placed out for curbside collection.**



Compactor Service: GreenWaste offers collection services for compactors and can provide maintenance service for an additional fee. GreenWaste does not provide compactors to customers, but will provide specifications needed to ensure compatibility with collection vehicles as well as information on companies that sell, lease, and/or service compactors. GreenWaste offers collection services for stationary compactors ranging in size from 10- cubic yards to 40- cubic yards.

Overages Program: GreenWaste will collect and charge customers for containers that are overfilled and/or when material is placed out for collection beyond the capacity of the container. Customers will be charged accordingly for the extra material. To ensure accuracy of billing, please contact customer service to schedule the collection of extra material.

Bulky Item Reuse Program: GreenWaste offers businesses bulky-item collection for an additional charge. Bulky items are items that won’t fit inside containers or require special handling. Contact customer service to schedule.

Special Pick Ups: Collection services are available on days other than regularly scheduled collection day(s) for an additional charge. Contact customer service to schedule.

Extra Container Services: GreenWaste can provide additional services as reasonably necessary to access and empty containers for an additional charge. Additional services may include opening and closing gates, pushing and/or pulling containers to the point of collection, and locking and/or unlocking containers.

Billing and Rates


Sand City residential customers are on a quarterly billing cycle. Sand City multi-family and commercial customers are on a monthly billing cycle. This means you can expect to receive your GreenWaste invoice in January, April, July, and October. If you have any questions about your billing, please contact customer service.

What Goes Where and More


What Goes Where & More

Program and Sorting Guidance

Program and Sorting Guidance


Program and Sorting Guidance






Bin Labels


Bin Labels

Bin Labels





Regulatory Requirements


Mandatory Service: The Sand City municipal code requires all businesses to subscribe to weekly garbage collection services. The State of California requires businesses to subscribe to recycling and organics collection services.


Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing four cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 341.


Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing two cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to food waste collection services through GreenWaste will help ensure compliance with AB 1826.


Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program: Put your waste reduction efforts to good use with the Monterey County Green Business Program—an opportunity to implement green practices, receive onsite technical assistance, join the green business community, and receive recognition from your local municipality. By creating an advanced waste reduction and recycling program you are on your way to being certified “green”. Businesses must be in compliance with all regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution, and minimizing waste.

Processing and Disposal Summary

Recyclables and Organics are delivered to ReGen Monterey for processing. Garbage is delivered to ReGen Monterey for disposal.

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