San Jose

Visit, dial 3-1-1, or call (408) 535-3500 for the following:
New service – Missed collection – Change service level
Container repair or exchange – Yard Trimmings cart

San Jose 311

GreenWaste is proud to serve the City of San Jose. GreenWaste provides San Jose customers with weekly yard trimmings and monthly street sweeping services to all residences located in the City of San Jose. Organic materials are then transferred to GreenWaste’s Composting Facility in Gilroy, where they are transformed into nutrient rich compost. Learn about our state-of-the-art facilities.  

Find services at your house with City of San Jose’s Utility Services Lookup.

Omar Lopez, General Manager

Customer Service



Upcoming Events

Holiday Collection Schedule

GreenWaste provides regular collection services on all holidays except New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. If your collection day falls on or after one of these holidays, your collection will be delayed by one day.

​GreenWaste offers two ways to collect yard trimmings:

    • Place your yard trimmings loose in the street (no extra charge).
    • Place your yard trimmings in your optional yard trimmings cart for collection. Visit, dial 3-1-1, or call (408) 535-3500 to order a yard trimmings cart and start your yard trimmings subscription. Yard trimmings carts are mandatory in some areas of the city for yard trimmings collection.

All yard trimmings collected in the City of San Jose are brought to the GreenWaste Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in San Jose.

San Jose Acceptable Yard Trimmings

Billing & Rates

Services for residential homes with cart service for garbage are billed through the Santa Clara County Secured Property Tax Bill.

Visit the City of San Jose’s rate webpage.


Residential streets are swept once a month between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the day after garbage collection.

Street sweeping protects our environment by removing pollutants from the street where they can enter storm drains, creeks and our Bay, and harm fish and wildlife.

Street Sweeping Graphic

Billing & Rates

Services for residential homes with cart service for garbage are billed through the Santa Clara County Secured Property Tax Bill.

Visit the City of San Jose’s rate webpage.

Did you know that GreenWaste processes most of the material produced in San Jose at our MRF? While GreenWaste collects only yard trimmings material from your home, your recyclables and garbage are likely sorted for recovery in our facility.

For information about garbage and recycling services visit the City of San Jose website.

Need sorting guidance? Check out

Local Community Contacts

GreenWaste Recovery |
Local Office

610 E. Gish Rd.
San Jose, CA 95112

City of San Jose

200 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose, CA 95113

Phone: 408.535.3500