Facilities of Santa Clara County

Customer Service
Hello, Santa Clara County Facilities!

Omar Lopez
General Manager
GreenWaste is proud to serve Santa Clara County Facilities. GreenWaste provides collection and processing services to county facilities throughout Santa Clara County. Recyclable material is transferred to GreenWaste’s Material Recovery Facility in San Jose, CA, Northern California’s premier high diversion organic and recycling processing facility, where they are sorted and processed.
Santa Clara County’s sorting program is already SB 1383 compliant!
Organic material collected by GreenWaste will be processed and composted.
Three Stream
Two Stream
Three Stream
Santa Clara County facilities are offered the standard three stream service of: recyclables, organics, and garbage. Certain designated sites may only have a two stream service of recyclables and mixed compostables. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.

All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6:00AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.

Recyclable Materials will only be collected in blue containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 96-gallon carts, or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8-yard bins.

Organics will only be collected in 64-gallon green containers provided by GreenWaste.
Two Stream
Santa Clara County facilities are offered the standard three stream service of recyclables, organics, and garbage. Certain designated sites may only have a two stream service of recyclables and mixed compostables. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.

Mixed Compostables
Designated Santa Clara Counties will receive the mixed compostable stream. This stream includes food waste, yard trimmings, soiled paper, and garbage. All materials must fit completely inside the container with the lid closed. Containers must be ready for collection no later than 6 AM and should be returned to their service location promptly after service.

Recyclable Materials will only be collected in blue containers provided by GreenWaste, in volumes of 96-gallon carts, or 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, or 8-yard bins.
Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing 4 cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste ensures your compliance with AB 341.
Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing 2 cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to either organics or mixed compostable collection services through GreenWaste ensures your compliance with AB 1826.
Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Santa Clara County facilities, GreenWaste provides a source separated organics stream. In certain circumstances, you may have a mixed compostable stream. Regardless of which option you have, organic material will be processed and composted at the GreenWaste Z-Best Composting Facility in Gilroy, CA.
Mandatory Recycling: California Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) became effective July 1, 2012. AB 341 mandates recycling for all businesses producing 4 cubic yards or more of garbage per week. Subscribing to recyclable materials collection services through GreenWaste ensures your compliance with AB 341.
Mandatory Organics Recycling: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing 2 cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Subscribing to either organics or mixed compostable collection services through GreenWaste ensures your compliance with AB 1826.
Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service. For Santa Clara County facilities, GreenWaste provides a source separated organics stream. In certain circumstances, you may have a mixed compostable stream. Regardless of which option you have, organic material will be processed and composted at the GreenWaste Z-Best Composting Facility in Gilroy, CA.