CSU Monterey Bay

GreenWaste proudly serves the CSU Monterey Bay campus.

Icon=Holiday Collection Schedule

Upcoming Events

None at this time.

Icon=Service Request

Holiday Collection Schedule

If your collection day falls on or after New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, your collection will be delayed one day.

Main Campus

East Campus Housing

65gl gray cart


Gray containers with clear labels are provided for garbage materials.

65gl blue cart


Blue containers with clear labeling are provided for recyclable materials.



Yellow containers with clear labeling are provided for organic materials at select locations.

65gl gray cart


GreenWaste collects garbage from residents of ECH by providing gray wheeled carts. The default cart size is sixty-four (64) gallon capacity.

65gl blue cart


GreenWaste collects commingled recyclables from residential cart customers in ECH.

65gl green cart


GreenWaste collects yard waste from residents of ECH by providing green carts of approximately 64-gallon capacity for residential collection.


Sorting Resources

Extra Resources




May Main Campus Move Out: The mid-May residence hall move-out is the biggest move-out event of the year, during which approximately 2,000 students are required to move out of their rooms by a specific date. The waste diversion event involves a minimum of three (3) days of moving and sorting waste at designated stations into reusables/donation items, recyclables, waste, and other items to reduce landfill volumes. GreenWaste provides clearly-labeled extra containers for this event.


January Main Campus Move Out: The January move-out event is much smaller than the May move-out event. GreenWaste provides clearly-labeled extra containers for this event.


Coming Soon


The following services are available to For Sale Homes only.


Overages Program: Cart customers are sent 10 stickers annually for overages. A fee of $8.33 applies to each set out of an additional bag or 35 gallon can equivalent beyond the initial 10 set outs per year. Cans/carts may not exceed 50 lbs. 


Bulky Item Collection Program:  Bulky items can be collected on an on-call basis for a service fee. Contact customer service at least (24 hours) in advance to schedule the service on the same day as the regular collection day.


Household Batteries: Household batteries can be collected curbside with weekly recycling at no additional charge. Please place batteries in a sealed clear zip-lock bag and set them on top of your blue recycling container (not inside).


Used Motor Oil and Motor Oil Filters: To recycle curbside, place used oil in clear, five-gallon plastic jugs with a screw top lid. Filters need to be placed in clear zip-locked bags and set out on the curb near your container for collection. 


Holiday Tree Collection: During the first three regularly-scheduled collection days after New Year’s Day, residents with yard trimmings service may place un-flocked and undecorated holiday trees curbside for collection. Trees must be cut into sections no larger than 6’ and placed next to their green cart.





May Main Campus Move Out: The mid-May residence hall move-out is the biggest move-out event of the year, during which approximately 2,000 students are required to move out of their rooms by a specific date. The waste diversion event involves a minimum of three (3) days of moving and sorting waste at designated stations into reusables/donation items, recyclables, waste, and other items to reduce landfill volumes. GreenWaste provides clearly-labeled extra containers for this event.


January Main Campus Move Out: The January move-out event is much smaller than the May move-out event. GreenWaste provides clearly-labeled extra containers for this event.

Sorting Resources


Coming Soon

Extra Resources


The following services are available to For Sale Homes only.


Overages Program: Cart customers are sent 10 stickers annually for overages. A fee of $8.33 applies to each set out of an additional bag or 35 gallon can equivalent beyond the initial 10 set outs per year. Cans/carts may not exceed 50 lbs. 


Bulky Item Collection Program:  Bulky items can be collected on an on-call basis for a service fee. Contact customer service at least (24 hours) in advance to schedule the service on the same day as the regular collection day.


Household Batteries: Household batteries can be collected curbside with weekly recycling at no additional charge. Please place batteries in a sealed clear zip-lock bag and set them on top of your blue recycling container (not inside).


Used Motor Oil and Motor Oil Filters: To recycle curbside, place used oil in clear, five-gallon plastic jugs with a screw top lid. Filters need to be placed in clear zip-locked bags and set out on the curb near your container for collection. 


Holiday Tree Collection: During the first three regularly-scheduled collection days after New Year’s Day, residents with yard trimmings service may place un-flocked and undecorated holiday trees curbside for collection. Trees must be cut into sections no larger than 6’ and placed next to their green cart.

Processing and Disposal Summary

Recyclables and Organics are delivered to ReGen Monterey for processing. Garbage is delivered to ReGen Monterey for disposal.

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