Campbell Debris Box Services

Make the smart move with a GreenWaste debris box.

Roll Off Truck (debris box)

Now providing Campbell with Debris Boxes!

Rent your Campbell debris box today! Make the smart move by diverting over 75+% with a GreenWaste Debris Box.  All material collected in your GreenWaste Dumpster will be transferred to one of our state-of-the-art GreenWaste Zanker Resource Recovery Facility. We were the first in California to receive third-party certification of its recycling rates from the Recycling Certification Institute so you can be assured that instead of your waste being buried in a landfill, it’s given new life as recycled products.

We drop off and pick up Monday through Saturday and each debris box rental is for one week.

If you are interested in scheduling a debris box delivery, contact us today at 888-533-9269 or, or click the button below to request a quote.


Request Your Campbell Debris Box Quote

Request a quote for a debris box by filling out the form below or calling us at 888-533-9269.
Ready to order a debris box? Order right now directly from our website.

Request Service
G W Debris Box Quote Request
Where will this container be delivered?
Permanent or temporary debris box?
Is this residential or commercial?
Select container size
(Ex. sheet rock, wood, mixed debris, etc.)
Where would you like your container placed?
Social Media, Google Search, Sales Person (Who have you been working with?)